SAPNE सपने সপনে સપને سپنے ਸਪਨੇ SOUTH ASIAN POET S OF
ସପନେ ஸபநெ ಸಪನೇ സപനെ సపనే සපනෙ NEW ENGLAND
Achyut Adhikary is a poet and a community organizer. Steeped in the traditions of Nepal, Achyut present powerful imagery of daily life in simple colloquial language. A family man, he hosts SAPNE poets in his home.
Shiva Gautam is a medical physicist and is a published poet in Nepali. Known foe allegorical language, he brings freshness in ideas to challenge the conservative ideas. Connected to a family of writers, he maintains the tradition of literature.
Badiuzzaman Nasim hails from Bangladesh and is active in the cultural scene of the Bangladesh community in Boston. A reflective poet, he is a master on short composition, sometimes a single stanza.
Ramaiya Balachandra served as the Professor of Business Management in Northeastern University. A native of Karnataka, he reflects on his home settings and his travels. An avid reader, he takes interest in Sanskrit literature.